Cold calling

The theme for my Yoga for Men classes in Keynsham and Saltford during January was habit stacking. I know how hard it can be to establish new routines. So, I invited the guys to see which parts of my sequence they felt the most benefit from – those aspects that really spoke to them. Then to look for ways they could incorporate those parts into their existing routines in everyday life. Such as, doing a few of the movements after brushing their teeth or while waiting for the kettle to boil. Maybe even getting into a positive habit of asking themselves how are you? Out of 10?

I also set myself the same challenge. Before Christmas, having been prompted by one of BreathPod’s Advent Challenges to take a cold shower, I finally plucked up the courage to go for it. Cold showers have many health benefits, and BreathPod’s angle was about how it helps you manage your natural stress response to go OMFG, it’s cold and jump out. To learn to lean into the discomfort so that when you face other stressful, anxiety inducing or uncomfortable situations, you feel more able to cope when the 💩 hits the (extractor) fan.

Anyway, I’m now officially addicted to cold showers, and they are at the heart of my daily morning movement routine. I took things a step further by having a cold shower before each of my yoga classes in January. I don’t know whether something’s in the water, but I’ve never felt so alive arriving into class. It’s evidently working wonders for the guys as almost every class was fully booked 🥳

I can’t say the guys are keen to follow my lead. It seems my cold calling is falling on deaf ears 😁

My classes in partnership with men’s mental fitness charity, Talk Club, continue weekly on Mondays in Keynsham and Thursdays in Saltford.