It takes two…

Thursday night marked the end of an era for my Yoga for Men classes in Saltford. Two years ago, I celebrated the opening of my new class by offering it for free. 10 guys signed up. Only 2 guys turned up on the night..

I hovered around the 2 mark for months. I wasn’t even making enough to cover the venue hire or the fuel to get there. Even when the numbers increased, I still had one of the guys question why I ran the classes given how little profit I was likely making. Any yoga teacher will tell you that they’re rarely doing it for the riches!

I’m not going to lie, there were occasions where I questioned the point of it all. I even contacted the venue about cancelling the classes. But slowly but surely, more guys started coming. When others then came and found a class growing in popularity, they then realised it was acceptable for a guy to do yoga.

Now, I’m at the point where the class is fully booked most weeks. Thursday was my final night at Saltford Hall before we move to our new modern and spacious venue of Two Rivers school on the Hygge Park development in Keynsham next week…

I for one can’t wait…